Monday, June 17, 2019

Check Out 10 amazing Reasons You Need To See The Dentist (Read More)!

Many people often go years without a visit to the dentist, due to fear, budget issues or because they think their teeth don’t have any problems. Whatever the reason, visit the dentist twice a year will do you and your smile a world of good.

If it’s been years since you’ve sat in the dentist chair, this list of the “Top 10 Reasons to See a Dentist” can be just the motivation you need to start taking better care of yourself.

1. Regular Preventive Care Will Save Your Teeth and Your Money

Dental problems are much easier to address early, before that tiny cavity that could have been easily fixed for a couple of hundred bucks turns into a decayed tooth that needs an expensive root canal and a crown.

2. You Suffer From Serious Halitosis (Bad Breath).

As unpleasant and common as it may be, sometimes persistent bad breath is a sign of a more serious condition. Bad breath can be caused by leftover food particles, dry mouth and tobacco products. However, a liver or kidney ailment, diabetes, chronic bronchitis or sinusitis could be to blame. If you struggle with constant bad breath, be sure to see your dentist as soon as possible.

3. To Correct The Wear and Tear Caused Over The Years

Proper daily brushing and flossing is important throughout your life. However, older adults are more susceptible to certain dental conditions, such as plaque buildup and gum disease. In addition, tooth decay and decay of the tooth root, especially if you have old fillings, can be common among older adults.

4. To Maintain a Bright Smile

According to dentalgist, while brushing and flossing at home is a great way to keep your teeth and gums in top condition, routine visits to a dentist can help you attain an even healthier smile. Your dentist can remove the plaque beneath your gum line and hard to reach places between your teeth that your toothbrush can’t get to. In addition, dentists can offer dental treatments to provide longer-lasting plaque protection.

5. It’s Been a While Since You’ve Seen a Dentist

Even if your teeth appear to be fine and you have excellent oral hygiene, visiting the dentist twice a year is always a great idea. Even if all seems fine on the surface, there may be underlying dental care problems that only a dentist can diagnose. Regular checkups, examinations and x-rays can keep your smile healthy and bright for a lifetime.

6. To Prevent Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is an infection of the tissues that support your teeth. Gingivitis is a milder, more treatable form of the disease that only affects gums; however, it may lead to a more serious form of periodontal disease, called periodontitis. Some warning signs include bleeding gums, constant bad breath, red, swollen or tender gums and teeth that are separating or loose. Keep in mind, that it is possible to have no noticeable symptoms, which is why it’s important to visit your dentist on a regular basis.

7. When Your Gums are Bleeding

If you notice blood in the sink when you brush, it’s a good idea to visit your dentist. Bleeding gums may be caused by simply brushing a little too vigorously. But more often, your gums bleed when you have dental plaque buildup under the gums. Untreated, plaque can lead to decay and gum disease. Bleeding gums can also indicate that you already have gum disease, which can lead to tooth loss.

8. To Prevent Tooth Loss

The best and most inexpensive way to prevent tooth loss starts at home with excellent brushing and flossing habits every day. Routine quality dental care twice a year is the next step. Preventive dental care that includes professional cleanings, exams and fluoride treatments are crucial in preventing tooth loss. Yearly visits can also help your dentist identify any dental issues early on to help prevent further and more serious damage.

9. To Improve Your Self-Esteem and Confidence

Your smile is your most prominent facial feature and an important part of first impressions. A recent survey discovered that 94% of those polled said they are likely to notice a person’s smile when they meet them for the first time. A bright, beautiful and healthy smile can do wonders for your self-esteem. Even a subtle change can make a drastic difference in the way you look and feel.

10. Because Dental Health Impacts Your Overall Health

There is a strong link between good oral health and a person’s overall well-being. The condition of your teeth and gums can impact just about every system in your body, including circulatory, digestive, reproductive and respiratory systems. Maintaining good oral health can help reduce your risk of serious health problems

Author: verified_user